Surgery for fat removal

Get the Best Treatment

Fat transfer is a cosmetic procedure using your own fat to enhance your face,
breast, buttock, hands or any other part of your body.

This surgery means we take fat from one part of your body, mostly the excess
found in tummy, flanks, back, inner or outer thighs. After harvesting your
fat with different techniques, we remove excess fluid and try to inject back
clear fat with different particle size.

If you want to know what opportunities fat transfer offers you to
improve your self-esteem and quality of life, feel free to contact us and request
an appointment for a consultation.



Take a look at my services and my prices and feel free to ask if I can help you.

Surgery for fat removal

You can entrust your beauty to a female plastic surgeon.

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My Goal

My goal is for the end result to fully reflect or even exceed your expectations.

What you need to know about the surgery for fat removal?

  • Big areas we can fulfill with bigger injecting cannulas, smaller parts can be fulfilled with smaller syringes and injection needles. Even we can use stem cells from fat tissues for skin rejuvenation.
  • The most common parts: Face-cheekbone area, nasolabial folds, under eye dark circles, cheeks, necklines, decoltage.Hip dips-buttock to give hourglass shape.
  • The best candidate for fat transfer, who is not overweight, not smoking, who has enough fat for transfer.
  • It is one of the best solution to give natural-looking, youthful look.
  • The result is permanent after 2 months.
  • Not all fat cells survive the procedure, it takes 2-6 months to develop new blood supply and see the final result.
  • The number of procedure depends on the size of the treated area and your desired volume.
  • Healing time can be some days, you might be asked to wear a special garment to give the best result.
  • Fat transfer is safe, minimally invasive procedure that creates natural-youthful results.
woman body

“Nothing makes you more Beautiful, than the belief that you are Beautiful”

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most common questions, what my patients have been asking.

How to prepare for surgeries?

If you are considering operation, try to get as much informations before, as you can. Search on the internet about it. If you brave enough look on YouTube the exact procedures, so you can get exact idea, how we are doing these surgeries.

When you decide, visit your doctor for consultation, where you can ask all your questions. The doctor will explain the suitable operation for you, the scars and all circumstances.

Is it painful the surgery?

Sure. Each surgery has some pain after. Pain killers are helpful in that period, you can take as much as necessary.

What is the recovery period?

Short healing period is 7 days. Longer soft tissue healing time can be 2-6 months. You should be patient, as you will see gradual soft tissue changes even for longer period of time. During the first 2-3 weeks not recommended any physical activity, like running, swimming, jym, sex, etc. You can drive after one week, it is safe for you.

What are the necessary things before the surgery?

Before the surgery we are asking mandatory laboratory and other necessary tests.
3-5 days before is advisable to use Betadine skin cleanser for shower.
Please don’t eat from midnight and don’t drink six hours before the surgery.
Wear very comfortable clothes, like loose jogging.
Leave all your valuable things at home, like jewellery.

When does the scar disappears?

Scars are living with us, never disappearing. Type of our scars are hereditary. The best option, when our scars are hidden in natural creases, hidden with underwear and become thin white lines. Sometime scars become more visible, like hard reddish tissues. We might treat them with Steroid creams or injection, massage, laser, pressure garment. Cheloid also may happen, which is tumor formation after trauma. It can be treated with radiation therapy also.
If you have scar on your body, you might have the same type of scars after plastic surgeries too.

How long the result will last?

Aesthetic surgery results might stay for 5-6 years, or longer period of time. We are getting older by time, our tissues  and skin are getting looser,  less elastic. You might ask corrections any time later.

Dont wait any longer! Make an appointment.
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