Tummy Tuck in Dubai

Get the Best Treatment

We are removing the excess skin between the belly button and genital area,
plus tightening the muscles, so you will have slimmer waist line and firm tummy wall.

We are doing the abdominal wall tightening with resection of extra fat and skin,
when the abdomen is flaccid/loose with redundant, ptotic skin, also suturing
the muscle diastasis.
The surgery is safe, if you follow all the instructions. You will be happy to wear
smaller size normal clothes and be able to come back to your physical activity again.



Take a look at my services and my prices and feel free to ask if I can help you.

Tummy Tuck in Dubai

You can entrust your beauty to a female plastic surgeon.

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My Goal

My goal is for the end result to fully reflect or even exceed your expectations.

What you need to know about the Tummy Tuck surgery?

We are doing the abdominal wall tightening with resection of extra fat and skin, when the abdomen is flaccid/loose with redundant, ptotic skin, also suturing the muscle diastasis. ( rectus abdominis diastasis suturing equal of closing the 2–15 cm wide separation of the vertical abdominal muscle ). There is a possibility to remove the cesarean section scar most of the time too.

The operation requires 2-4 hours for completion. Tummy Tuck scar is permanent, but lies very low, mostly covered by underwear. It is worth to discuss your bathing suit fashion before surgery. Stretch marks can not be fully removed, only those located under belly button level.

The result stays for a long time if you can stabilize your weight.
The surgery is safe, if you follow all the instructions.
You will be happy to wear smaller size normal clothes and be able to come back to your physical activity again.

woman body

“Nothing makes you more Beautiful, than the belief that you are Beautiful”

Steps before and after Tummy Tuck in Dubai

Before Tummy Tuck surgery in Dubai


Bring me my fulfilled questionnaire, I can easily prepare for your consultation!


Read all the available informations and ask all your questions before the procedure!


We are preparing you for the surgery with laboratory tests and abdominal ultrasound.


Plan your surgery between two menstruations!


Take multivitamins, 1000 mg Vitamine C, if necessary Iron with Folic Acid 1-2 weeks before your surgery!


Make sure you are not pregnant, or not planning pregnancy within 1-2 years!


Use your garment 1-2 weeks before your surgery !


Use Betadine soap antibacterial showers 2-3 days before and in the morning of your surgery!


Arrive to the Hospital with empty stomach, no drinks or food from midnight!


Don’t wear contact lenses, removable teeth, make up and don’t use any cream or body lotion on your tummy on the morning of the surgery!

After Tummy Tuck surgery in Dubai


Recovery will take place 1-2 weeks, so you can go back to your work after it.


You can stay in bed for 1-2 days in the hospital, start leg and lung excercises immediately after your surgery!


Bent position in the bed and when you are walking is mandatory for 2-3 weeks!


Walk immediately after your surgery regularly!


Your special garment should be worn 24 hours for one month, 12 hours for the second month! Make sure your garment doesn’t have any folding, as it can give you marks on your skin later!


Don’t touch your sterile dressing, if there is some bleeding, put extra gauzes on top!


Take your medicines, as I prescribed, if you have extra pain you can use Volfast for immediate pain relief.


Measure your temperature every day, and bring your datas with you for check ups!


Lymphatic massage can be started after 2-3 weeks, as I ask from you!


Avoid smoking/shisha 6 weeks before and after the surgery to prevent blood circulation problems!


Drive only after 1-2 weeks for your safety!


Light excercise and sexual activity is allowed 2-3 weeks after your surgery


After your wound healing you can use Cicabio Arnica, Silicone gel, Mebo Scar or any creams for optimal scar formation within 4-6 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most common questions, what my patients have been asking.

How to prepare for surgeries?

If you are considering operation, try to get as much informations before, as you can. Search on the internet about it. If you brave enough look on YouTube the exact procedures, so you can get exact idea, how we are doing these surgeries.

When you decide, visit your doctor for consultation, where you can ask all your questions. The doctor will explain the suitable operation for you, the scars and all circumstances.

Is it painful the surgery?

Sure. Each surgery has some pain after. Pain killers are helpful in that period, you can take as much as necessary.

What is the recovery period?

Short healing period is 7 days. Longer soft tissue healing time can be 2-6 months. You should be patient, as you will see gradual soft tissue changes even for longer period of time. During the first 2-3 weeks not recommended any physical activity, like running, swimming, jym, sex, etc. You can drive after one week, it is safe for you.

What are the necessary things before the surgery?

Before the surgery we are asking mandatory laboratory and other necessary tests.
3-5 days before is advisable to use Betadine skin cleanser for shower.
Please don’t eat from midnight and don’t drink six hours before the surgery.
Wear very comfortable clothes, like loose jogging.
Leave all your valuable things at home, like jewellery.

When does the scar disappears?

Scars are living with us, never disappearing. Type of our scars are hereditary. The best option, when our scars are hidden in natural creases, hidden with underwear and become thin white lines. Sometime scars become more visible, like hard reddish tissues. We might treat them with Steroid creams or injection, massage, laser, pressure garment. Cheloid also may happen, which is tumor formation after trauma. It can be treated with radiation therapy also.
If you have scar on your body, you might have the same type of scars after plastic surgeries too.

How long the result will last?

Aesthetic surgery results might stay for 5-6 years, or longer period of time. We are getting older by time, our tissues  and skin are getting looser,  less elastic. You might ask corrections any time later.

Dont wait any longer! Make an appointment.
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